

I'm Johanna, a freelance illustrator living with my husband and daughter in Germany.
Inspired by the beauty and diversity of nature, I create artworks ranging from the bold and adventurous to the contemplative and melancholic. Currently, I’m working on my debut graphic novel, set to be released in 2026.

Feel free to reach out via email, and I'll get back to you promptly.

Please direct all international literary inquiries to my agent Chad W. Beckerman / at the CAT Agency

All regional literary inquiries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) please direct to me.



How do you work? What is your process? (Client work)
First step is concept and sketches, where I get into the right mindset and do some research. Maybe I start by writing down some keywords, but usually I jump right into sketching. I also work out a color scheme and try to work on a preview of the final image. Then I collect all my ideas into a simple presentation to share with the client. We will talk about the concept and the client has the chance to give me his/her feedback and comments before I start with step two. Step two is finalization. Based on the approved concept I will work on the final images. And send them to the client for a last review, before I export the final files.

Are you always booked and what´s your availability?
No, I’m not. There downtimes, where I’m not working on client jobs. But as soon as I’m “free” I gladly jump right into my private projects until the next jobs begins. There are also some times of tackling one client job after another. And my capacity will be very little for new projects. So it’s always better to reach out a few days in advance.

How long do you need?
It depends on the complexity of the project. Hours, days, weeks ...
Do you already have a briefing? Let´s talk, so we can think about the timing.

What painting software do you use?
I work with Procreate on the iPad Pro at the moment. It comes so close to traditional pencil and paper for me and it has all the necessary features I need. For the final touches, like color correction, image size and cropping and so on, I use Photoshop.

How do you get this texture? And what are your brushes?
I always want to achieve a more traditional feeling, with grainy textures and scratchy brushstrokes. I mostly use the standard brush settings of Procreate and switch between their different kind of brushes (mostly 6B Pencil Brush or Dry Ink). Sometimes I put a grainy texture on top in Photoshop with a big subtle, sprinkle brush or I add extra grain with the filter tool.

From where do you get your inspiration?
This is also an ongoing discovery for myself. Sometimes it’s a historical painting, sometimes a movie, science or history. A memory and a feeling from my travels. Or “just” a momentarily struggle with myself. And sometimes I just don’t have any inspiration, so I either keep looking for fresh perspectives or I try to overcome my lack of inspiration by learning new skills.

Do you take interns?
Although it really, really flatters me you are interested in helping and learning from me. But I’m a small one-woman-show with just enough work for myself. Which means I can’t make sure to cover you with work and task the whole time. Nor do I have a big enough workplace for the two of us.


2017 - now
Freelance Illustrator

2015 - 2017
gobasil – Agentur für Kommunikation, Hamburg

2012 - 2014
Graphic Design & Illustration
Coburger Designforum Oberfranken, Coburg

2011 - 2012
Internship Graphic Design & Illustration
GUDBERG, Hamburg

2009 - 2014     
Hochschule Coburg / University
Interior Design (B.A.)

„BDIAusgezeichnet!“ (2014)
BDIA Landesverband Bayern (Bund Deutscher Innenarchitekten)

Publications (12.2021)
Digitales Magazin von und für Impulsgeber*innen
Link to article in German

PAGE (4.2020)
Link to the article in German

Coburger – Magazin für Lifestyle und Politik (2.2016)

AIT – Fachzeitschrift für Architektur, Innenarchitektur,
Technischer Ausbau (12.2014)

”Dreaming Girls”
Gallery IYN Wakabayashi, Osaka (Japan)
Feburary 2022

”Power in Numbers 6”
Gallery Nucleus, Portland (USA)
November - December 2021

„Travel Exhibition: Seasons & Directions"
Library and Gallery MAZEKOZE, Nagano City (Japan)
September 2019

„Travel Exhibition: Seasons & Directions"
Massey College Artist Book Library, Toronto (Canada)
June - August 2017

„Travelling Exhibition – A Pop-Up Presentation of Artists´ Books“
presented by „The Box of Delights“ – Bookshop Wolfville (Canada)
August 2016

Adobe Live, April 2020
Shapes Meet Up / Hamburg, July 2019
Adobe Live, January 2019